
Showing posts from August, 2022

What is the purpose of public schools?

Ultimately, the purpose of school is to prepare children for the real world, but there is so much more that goes into this. Of course, students take academic based knowledge from school such as math, science, and reading, but the purpose of school is so much bigger than that. Children will walk away from public school with so much more than just how to solve a math problem or how to write an essay. Kids can be expected to walk away from public school with a true understanding of the world around them. Learning things in public school about character, the world around you, and how to be a good human are just as important as learning academic lessons in my opinion. These are lessons that can be taken with children throughout the rest of their lives.  A marginalized student is a student who feels like they are on the sideline during school. This can be caused by many things such as race, disability, sexuality, etc. Students can even feel marginalized by their upbringing such as students f

Why Teach?

 Growing up, school was never my favorite place to be. I always saw it as a place to be bossed around by teachers and principals instead of a place to learn and grow. It was not until 4th grade that this perspective flipped. I had a teacher that did a full 180 on my attitude towards school. She not only taught me curriculum based things such as math and science, but she also taught me that school is a place to gain knowledge and better yourself and not a place to dread going to. She has truly inspired me to become a teacher and continue to share this same knowledge with my future students. I want my classroom to be a safe space that my students enjoy coming in to learn, as my teacher's classroom was to me.  My goal as of right now is to teach kindergarten. Kindergarten is a huge developmental grade and I would love to be a part of that. At this age, it is super important for kids to develop a love for learning because they will take that with them for the rest of their lives. There