
Showing posts from September, 2022

Stories: Whose are told and whose remain in the margins?

In a classroom, being inclusive and fair to every student is one of the most important things a teacher can do to be successful. Discussing and talking about all different types of backgrounds, religions, and even race is important as it will make all students feel like their personal identity is recognized and acknowledged. In my opinion and personal upbringing, white, middle class children had the most maximized education, while racially diverse students were left in the margins. From what I could tell, this made my classmates feel upset and excluded, and I felt for them as this should have never happened and should never happen again. Making students feel marginalized in a classroom will cause so much harm. They will become disconnected from their classmates and teachers and dread going to school, therefore harming their education- which is highly unfair. In the article "Segregated By Experience", it states that schools "conveniently ignore ongoing effects of historic

How do we talk about issues that matter?

Talking about issues that matter, especially in a classroom setting, can be difficult as well as controversial. Oftentimes, you will find that teachers do not talk about issues that truly matter, simply because it makes them or their students uncomfortable. Although it could make situations in the classroom difficult or awkward, it is so important for teachers to inform their students on issues that matter, especially in today's world. Young children must be informed on what is going on in the world in order for there to be any type of change. These kids are the future, and without knowledge of the issues in the world, they will never be able to influence any type of change for the better.  Although bringing up issues that matter in the classroom can be awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved, there are ways that it can be done without causing any problems. Firstly, it is important for the teacher to set the tone of respect in the classroom. All students must respect their